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June 2009

These pictures a really a mop up of work done over the last 2 months. I haven't done much to the body work for a couple of years there are a couple of arches that need doing but for now they will just be refilled and patched, also the exhaust was blowing.

Re-building the Stromberg CD 125s prior to Going Dutch

Fitting Steve's exhaust proved to be a waste of time and repair gunk blew again after Holland :-( repaired :-( Nearly 200 miles on the chip run blew it again. Now we need two.


Removing the Old D45   the Centrifugal advance was not working properly this new electronic unit was cheaper than a new Lucas D45 so I gave it a go...

The New electronic Dizzy 'Simon BBC'

Fitting the new on, also swapped the coil

Broken down what a shame

As you will see in the Going Dutch 2009 the new unit failed and had to be swapped out. On returning home this was found to be no heat conductive paste between the base plate and the inductive pick up ! Not by me !!!  This cooked the pick up and it failed, it was replaced and now seems to be working fine.

Needed to do some body touch ups

The arch neeeds replacing but this will get through to the winter

Took the cills back to bare metal and repainted and filled the door corner




All repaired and primed up